Friday 13 December 2019

You are Sovereign - Don't listen to Me

If a Spiritual Teacher tells you to do this or do that…
take it as a starting point only

It is time to find Your own Truth
Your Truth lies in Your Heart

As You walk the Sacred Path, You understand that there are no answers outside of YourSelf

Yet finding Your own perspective can be intense initially…
So Read, Listen, Watch the WayShowers if 
You Choose

Yet, do this with Your Heart

Interpret what you are seeking to understand with Your Heart

Your Heart will let You know if this is Light information that assists You to 


if it is a Light information that is more relevant for other beautiful Souls

You can Feel this WithIn
with a little practice

Trying to understand the Sacred Path with Your mind is like trying to swivel Your eyes to look behind you

It is the Heart that You interpret through 

There, in Your Heart, are Your answers

Your answers

Your answers

Your Sovereignty

You Are Mighty and Awesome and Sacred

You/We Are

and so it is
