Monday 25 May 2020

How to lift the control mechanisms

We are coming to understand reality programming 
through thought programming
and as we do.....
a whole new Earth opens

As we realise how we were controlled...

We begin to see how to modulate our own reality and frequency by programming our own thoughts

If you choose manifestation of our beautifully harmonised 
New Earth 
then you use the frequency of Love 
within your own thinking and your own programming

Where ever we put our focus, we are creating

We can disappear the cabal faster by sending Love and Light into the field of darkness they used to manipulate our thinking

For darkness cannot survive in Lovefilled Light

In Light

Tuesday 12 May 2020

What happens when you begin to tap into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity?

You have access to the knowledge and wisdom gained by the 
All of Humanity

You can Feeeel the emotional weight of the Collective and......  

You can modulate the Emotional see saw of All 
by moving Your Frequency to one of Love. 
Whole Love. Love that knows no pain.
Unconditional Love.

.. and then flowing that Love Energy into the quantum field of our beautiful collective consciousness.

And How do you do that?

Well, you just start with the Breath.
The deep soft healing Breath

Sit quietly and breathe into your heart and the collective wisdom will start to open within.

Many Blessings to us All

In Light 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

The Mind as a node jumper

As the Heart Operating system BeComes Your central core,
Your Energetic centre and sensor,
The Place from where You operate....
The Beautiful Mind Transmutes.

Instead of being 
the negotiator
the safety seeker
the protector....

it becomes an energy transfer station made of Light

A Light matrix

filled with Frequencial Energetic nodes

that You can learn to jump

Frequency to Frequency

In Light

The Sacred Path shines brightly in Humanities Light

When there is disharmony...

It can appear that another is choosing the opposite side to You

In this Now however, 
You are a perspective or an Expression of the Whole 
of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity 
and all Learnings from the Whole 
are Now offered to the All of Humanity

Through the process of Transmutation and Ascension, the learnings, wisdoms, knowledge, understandings of the 
All of Humanity 
are Now available quickly, with a little practice

All knowledge exists at it's own frequency, 
When you get to learn something new 
it's frequency changes because it is now known by You
Also, Your Frequency changes because the wisdoms Frequency has been added to Your All isness

All changes All
in every moment

Your very thinking gives rise to the Universe 
that You perceive and experience

At this Now you have an opportunity to consciously choose to raise your frequency

The Light trails have been written and
The Sacred Path shines brightly in Humanities Light

There are many teachers and we welcome all questions

In Light