Friday 21 February 2020

Did You know You are Magical? Affecting the Quantum Field of Humanity

You can use the flow of Unconditional Love to immediately affect the field with astonishing results

You become Magical

If, perhaps someone is directing anger into your direction – your Quantum Field (we all have one)
You Feel or interpret the vibration or frequency of that moment in Your field (takes a little practice to do it consciously)

At that moment
the angry persons field and Your field are harmonising – they connect
and You can flow Love into the field, at that moment…and change it 
at that Moment

Love is the Most Potent Energy

Feel it Now
in the Centre of Your Being
at this Now

Love overcomes or over Be s All others
it is so Powerful

Like Magical Powerful

how do you think the darkones got so rich off the sweat of Your back
They didn’t use Love…they used dark magick…….division Left/Right black /white this/that…ooooh look over there…..ah…now look over there. That person good…that belief bad…..oooh look over there….oooh tragic, trauma, scare, fear

False Expressed As Real

and they took all your pain and spun it into the stories they told you again and again and again to keep you re traumatised and re spelled

…but they forgot

Light All ways Wins

Light All ways Wins

Light All ways Wins

and the Light is full

and with practice it is possible to Flow that very Love
into the Quantum Field
and change it……

That is how Powerful You are
That is why you have been kept at heel
so that You would never

Know Your Power

Here are a few steps to your Power
in no particular order, for it is not a linear process

Consciously Breathe
softly and deeply
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Be Kind
to another or if alone to your body or your mind
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Stop and look around You …seeking Loveliness
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Imagine the Impossible
Dream a New Wondrous Dream for YourSelf and Humanity
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

The Time is Now

This is a gift – please feel free to share any or all of it
No attribution required
It is for
All who Seek

Sunday 9 February 2020

Using the simplicity of Quantum Mechanics to manifest

Quantum Mechanics has been made out to be difficult and the realm of certain people only

It isn’t complicated

It looks complicated if You don’t understand how Frequency(vibration) works
and in particular the Frequency of Love
The Vibration of Love

Einstein wrote lots about Love, actually  ðŸ˜Š

Everything You think 
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You
Has a Frequency

a Frequency

and You manipulate the Frequency unConsciously or Consciously

As You ReMember how to Live your Life Consciously
You become unable to have Your Frequency manipulated by anyone outside of YourSelf

for You understand how to manipulate the Frequencies YourSelf

If You want to Manifest, All that you wish the World to Be
You must Be Living at the Frequency where, All that you wish the World to Be, exists

You move Your Frequency to where Manifestation occurs easily, quickly,
by becoming aware of and then altering the frequency of

Everything You think
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You

You just start. Anytime, Any Place, Any situation
and You find You get better and better at it as You play

It gets easier and easier to stay in the higher, Loving frequencies more and more of the time

Even when the Chaos is swirling around You…..the more You Practice the easier it Becomes to emit the Love vibe…Most of the Now

As You stay in a Peaceful, Loving vibe for longer periods, the time/distance, 
(for All is Now) 
to Manifest gets shorter and shorter

and how often should You raise Your Frequency if You want to Manifest Now?
Well start Now
and then keep starting Now
and then next Now You remember again start Now

ReTell Your Stories 
Stories are magical doncha know

Everything You think
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You

Is Flowing within/without the Frequency wave band of Love
and watch the World change around You

It isn’t complicated
It isn’t too hard for You

It takes Courage and Gentleness
Kindness and Patience
Compassion and Understanding
and it takes Forgiveness

of the whole of You


Monday 3 February 2020

Exchanging Energy on New Earth - No payment required

As soon as You say You must pay me
There appears a lack of Balance

‘You Must Pay Me’ denies Sovereignty of the individuals choice of exchange

‘You Must Pay Me’ states a lack of perceived Abundance by the requester

‘You Must Pay Me’ defies the Universal Flow
by stating Energy Exchange Must only happen in this self proclaimed way

‘You Must Pay Me’ is of old Earth

But how can it work differently?
How do we exchange energy on New Earth?

Well what if it works in and of itself
..if allowed

What if, It works by not working it out
It just Flows instead

What if, It works by not working it out
as you surrender
to the Flow

What if, It works by not working it out  and Energy simply Flows to where there is no distortion
What if, it works it out by flowing endlessly to create perpetual balanced flow

What if, It works by not working it out as All Flows in perfect Balance
for that is it’s, Your, Our Nature

Perhaps, it is time to stop trying to fathom everything out with the mind and seek the answers through the open heart

to Feel for the Flow instead of trying to work it all out yourself

Use Your deep and sacred breath

Feel the breath opening the Heart filling it with a bright beautiful ball of Love

Here is the Flow of Abundance

Here is where the exchange of energy can occur
You alone,
are enough


For the Children

Endless possibilities await us Now

We can get to Harmony through the chaos
We can get to Allowing through the chaos
We can get to Laughter
and ease
and Joyful Creation that benefits All

The chaos is necessary for through it
the creations of the dark

and then You
each individual
has the choice of what to put in place for
The Golden Age unfolding Now

What does Your Heart choose for Humanity?

World Peace
Understanding of the essential goodness of Humanity
Freedom from Debt Slavery
A Home for ever Human
Safety for EVERY Blessed Child

We birth a New Earth through the Chaos....

For the Children


Saturday 1 February 2020

Well Come Home 02022020

Well Come Home to You All Now
Well Come Home

Well Come Home to All the Guardians that have come from All that Is
Now We Walk again
in this time of Now
and We walk again with our Mother dear
And We walk again
as we said we would
and we walk again right here

 and All is Beautiful
because We sung it so
and All is full of Love
because We made it so
and All is ready Now
for All the travellers
to return Home
Well Come
