Thursday 24 October 2019

Quantum Mechanics. Why it is easier and faster to manifest at 5D frequencies, than at 3D frequencies

Quantum Mechanics
Why it is easier and faster to manifest at higher frequencies – 5D, than at lower frequencies – 3D

Please note that labels such as higher/lower – 3D/5D are used to express an idea or a frequency of consciousness.
One thing, is not better or worse than another thing.
They are simply things of a differing frequency.

There are limitations to using 3rd Dimensional language to describe manifestations that occur in the 5th Dimension

I will speak of density
of lesser and greater density
of 3rd and 5th
One can feel like sludge or thick mud to wade through in order to create and manifest
the other doesn’t exist at all, as all happens in the Now

The concept of Now as opposed to time (distance) comes through practice

Through Intention
Intending that You wish to explore/know/understand/experience Now
sets creation/manifestation in motion

for All is moving, all is in motion

For a 3rd consciousness, it can be that You are always chasing Your dream. Persevering. Striving. Searching.

This state of consciousness is reflecting the slower moving energies of the 3rd Frequencies

It is shown or mirrored to You in this way for this information is unseen or hidden or sub conscious

As You start to stretch Your mind to quantum concepts – one of which is, ‘no time’ – You are stretching or raising Your frequency to the 5th Frequencies

Here creation is instant
can be called into being Now
are called and manifested in the same moment
hence the experience of ‘no time’

There is no chasing here, no striving.
Whereas in 3D You are chasing –
Here You are standing still

Here, You understand that everything is perpetually in motion
You understand the Magnetic Law of Attraction
By creating/thinking the thought form into Your Quantum field
it is instantly and magnetically attracted to You
and manifests in Your life

To Be able to Live in this ‘instant creative’ Way – you have to develop a new operating system

To survive and flourish in the 3D game – Your operating system was the Mind

You were able to see cause and effect.

Cause and Effect must be fully and completely understood before a Soul is able to move into the Now Frequencies and Create

You require a New operating system to Play the Next Game level or 5th Dimensional Consciousness/Frequencies

This operating system is Souly and Holy Heart based
All decisions flow from Heart
All observations flow through Heart
All life is experienced with Heart
All Souls expression is illuminated by the Light of the Heart

As You walk the Sacred Path – You will see opportunities to choose when to be operating from Your Heart and when Your mind

You will know which is when, by the reflections in Your Life

Early in the journey, there is necessarily to ing and fro ing or Be ing and Do ing or Heart and Mind

You go back and forth, back and forth as you acclimatise to the New Heart Operating system

As the New Heart operating system gently takes over – You will see it reflected back into your life

Here is a simple technique to assist You in deciding where You are operating from in this moment NowHere (for all is constantly changing)

There is no better or worse here – one operating system is not better than another – You are Sovereign – whatever You decide is Best for You in the moment, is Best for You in the moment

Choose a time-frame  day/week/month/year – or another time-frame that You prefer

Observation of Your World
Does Your world appear mostly chaotic or mostly calm?
Does Your world appear mostly safe for everyone or unsafe for everyone?
Does Your world appear noisy and shouty or gentle and soft?
Is Your world full of smiles and kindnesses or injustices and scowls?

How do You Feel
Do You feel mostly content or mostly discontent with You?
Do You feel present or scattered mostly?
Do You feel as if You are mostly on a treadmill or mostly standing still?
Do You feel mostly connected to Self or disconnected from Self?

The Heart  will answer that the world is calm and safe.
Gentle and Soft.
Full of Smile and Kindnesses.

When the Heart is the operating system,
You Will Feel Content, Present, Still and Connected

As the journey unfolds – You will find YourSelf spending more and more time in the Heart operating system

Allowing movement from Mind to Heart operating systems

Direction of travel
Mind – Heart

Walking among trees
Walking near Water
Being in Water
Conscious Breathing
Cloud Watching
Being Kind to YourSelf or another
Interacting gently with all
Being Authentic

The opportunities for mind to Heart movement are Boundless

Things that take You back to mind operating system

Watching TV
Being For or Against
Seeing some as right and some as wrong
Anything that is expressed as a duality – 2 poles – either/or

You will find it easy to see which operating system you are currently in simply by observation of Self

You can change it

Direction of travel
Mind – Heart

Walking among trees
Walking near Water
Being in Water
Conscious Breathing
Cloud Watching
Being Kind to YourSelf or another
Interacting gently with all
Being Authentic
Surrendering to the Universal Flow

With practice in moving from mind to Heart systems – you start being able to Jump quickly… from one to another

You start to express Your consciousness more and more with the ‘higher’ frequencies 

Manifestation occurs faster and faster

You know YourSelf as the Magnificent Creator Being that You are

The Time is Now
The 2nd wave awakes

In Light

This is my understanding of the current energies.
All Truth lies in ones own heart.
I Am WayShower to Your own Heart - for that is where All Your answers lie.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Divine Neutrality - Peace is Here

Divine Neutrality is like living in a Peaceful, Easy, Way at All times

Divine Neutrality is a gift you give yourself – it cannot come from outside of You
Divine Neutrality allows You to see the Gifts in each moment

It is gained through practice
Here are some ideas to assist – Use Your own imagination to alter or create other assisting ideas

Meditation – there are many forms
Here is a Mantra meditation that can help flow you toward divine neutrality

Be Comfy
Allow Your breath a slow gentle deep rhythm into and from the belly
In/out breath slow count of 4
Think or say quietly

I Am at Peace with others choices
I Am at peace with others behaviours
I Understand that their expression is an integral part of their Journey
I Am at Peace with My Journey
For I am Sovereign
I Am

Repeat 3-10 times as You desire – every time You feel a bit crunchy
You could read this, memorize it or record it onto your device

Divine Neutrality for self is manifested in You by stepping back or expanding your consciousness a little and observing only.
This takes a little practice

Your self - conversation could go something like this

Agh…I am feeling xyz xyz xyz – it is their fault because xyz xyz xyz

this conversation takes you away from the frequency of Divine Neutrality

So You could shape You self- conversation in this way

Agh…I am feeling xyz xyz xyz – it is their fault because xyz xyz xyz
That doesn’t make me feel good –
 hmm -I’ll take a few slow deep breaths – as many as I need

Ahh – that feels a little better
What’s actually happening here?
Why do I feel so crunchy about this xyz?

Now observe the situation in as much of its entirety as you are able
You can start some new thoughts

Hmm I ‘m feeling xyz coz I feel they have done me wrong
Hmm, Am I in charge of my life and thoughts or have I given my power away to this xyz?
Hmm I’ve allowed this xyz to take me away from My peace, From my Joy, from my Ease
Hmm – Interesting
So, Am  I charge of my feelings or not? – Yes, Yes I Am
Hmm Ok How do I want to Feel about xyz?

well at the moment I ‘m too crunchy to go there so I am going to go for a walk or distract myself in some way until I am ready to look at it

Or maybe I’ll  just sit and breathe and think about something lovely

I’m going to gently remind myself that actually – I am still here, still the same, and I am safe
This xyz thing doesn't change this right Now

Hmm this breathing seems good
I’m gonna practice this

…and everytime life feels a bit crunchy for whatever xzy – I’m gonna breathe, observe and chill a bit more

and there you have it – You are walking the path of Divine Neutrality
The Sacred Path
The 2nd wave awakens


Monday 21 October 2019

A Description of Soul

A Description of Soul (my title)

Soul is a nonphysical effervescence that infuses the field with golden octaves that are Tao based.

Golden octaves call a golden dream into the life.

Golden dreams are filled with magic and alchemy. 

Love unites alchemy and magic into new sequences to be dreamt that bridge upon ecstasy.

Ecstasy is a state of being that allows the love, joy, union and freedom frequencies to adjoin into a burst of soul infused consciousness that enlightens.


Blessings to You Asur’Ana

Sunday 20 October 2019

How to use Quantum Mechanics for Manifestation

Reading of below


Everyone, All things, Plants, animals, Beings, Elements have a Quantum Field or a field of Manifestation

This field is Magnetic – it is attractive to other magnetic fields – Law of Attraction

Your Field or Energetic Expression is part of the expanded field of ‘All that is’ 

‘All That Is’ can be known as Source/Prime Creator/God

‘All That Is’ is the sum total of All energetic expressions and individuations in this Universe

So You have a Field

Your Field of Manifestation can be large, small, empty, full, chaotic, simple, known and unknown
This field can also contain other peoples stuff – not always stuff You want

Your Field has a resonance – A Frequency
This Frequency is at Your command with a little Practice

The stuff in Your Quantum Field of Manifestation, is constantly changing – is always in a state of flux - for that is its’ nature

The Stuff or ‘energetic expressions’ in Your field hold Your desires, Your thoughts, Your thoughtforms

It also contains Your beliefs – For Your beliefs become structures in the field, and then Your life,
if you hold them for long enough

How do beliefs become manifest in the field?
Lets start with thoughts, for they are energies that create forms and structures in the Field
Everything with Life force in it is magnetic in this Universe

Some background
Eons ago Earth or Tara or Gaia was 100% magnetic

This Beautiful Blue planet was used as a dumping ground for many things

One of which was the changing of the magnetism of the planet to make it an electromagnetic one, in order for other beings  - from an an electronic based Universe to exist on, and pillage from Earth and its peoples

This also dramatically slowed down the ability to manifest what we  - Humanities Collective Consciousness wanted to manifest – Prosperity, Peace, Kindness, Joy, Love for All

All of the Magnetic Beings on the Planet, who were holders of the ancient knowledge of Creation and manifestation died shortly after the environment was changed to electromagnetic. This is known as the Primary anomaly.

This planet has only had a relatively few Beings since then,  who held this ancient knowledge and used it to benefit All

…until now

The Ancient Magnetic Beings are here again
Here to hold frequency for All
Here to share the wisdom of creation
Here to uplift All Humans who choose upliftment
Here to teach All how to Manifest

Changing Your field to better express Your desires and needs
Architecture, structure and maths

This Universe is a coded Universe – built by numbers – 12 numbers
These wonderful codes build everything in the field

Your thinking is electromagnetic – currently changing back to Magnetic

Your thoughts create structures, architecture in the field

These structures can also be put there by others – who don’t necessarily have Humanities best interests at heart – such as Prosperity, Peace, Kindness, Joy, Love for All

These structures can be understood as programs – programming

Programming such as ‘round and round’ programming.

This structure/program (round and round) is put into our fields by the beings that will no longer be able to survive when  Earth returns to full magnetism 

This structure is programmed into our culture through, sports, advertising, tv, politicians laws, regulations, financial theft, experts, clothing fads, early sexualisation and so on and so forth

Everytime we add our own energy, thoughts, focus to the ‘round and round’ programming, 
we can’t seem to get ahead. 
We are caught in a loop. 
An imposed loop.
Some have referred to Earth as a prison planet and this is why

You could imagine it like a maze – a maze where You think You are getting somewhere but You keep finding that no matter how hard you try, Nothing really changes. You cannot find the exit.

It is common to find this structure – architecture in our Quantum Fields – put there by others that seek to control Our manifestations

There are other structures in our personal and collective fields that have been placed there that do not serve us individually or collectively

One of the most destructive structures is the Duality game architecture

Either    Or
For         Against
Left        Right
Good     Bad
Enough Not Enough

Separate and Divided

This Architectural structure is designed to keep  us in a permanent state of separation from each other
Designed to make us see differences of belief (often programmed into us)
and hide the understanding that we are All in this
Together - To Gather

Replacing unwanted Architecture, Structure and Thought Forms in Your Quantum Field

Now here is where it gets a bit interesting – for the ‘round and round’ programming is specifically designed to prevent You replacing it - to keep you going round and round in your thinking and behaviours to self and others.
Here are a few more

the manipulative female programming,
the angry male programming, 
the I am not good enough programming,
the ‘It is Your fault’ victim programming,
the aging dying programming – and there are many others - all false programming, designed to prevent Your awakening

There is more that one way to dismantle these structures that don’t serve You.

And which ones don’t serve You? – You get to decide – You choose what serves and what does not

Here is a way to assist
Use it, change it, don’t use it, do it another way entirely  - it matters not

The first, most important part, is Intent

Intent is not wanting
Intent is not hoping

Intent is the first step in Manifestation
So You could think or Say

I Intend to clear my field of all that does not resonate with my truth
or if that’s a bit convoluted – You could say

I Intend that all unwanted stuff is cleared
I Intend that my field only reflects my highest desires
or I intend that my field only holds expressions of Peace, Prosperity and Joy for All

So, The Intent, is key

Wanting keeps You in a state of want
If You put ‘Wanting’ into the Field through your thoughts – the field will reflect that back to You, by keeping You ‘wanting’
If You put
 ’I will only get xyz by perseverance and hard work’
that will be the only way it can come to You
Language has been designed to keep us in a constant stat of re spelling ourSelf/ves

So different language – different thoughts - different outcomes

We can change  ’I will only get xyz by perseverance and hard work’

‘All things come to me easily’
‘If I stay in my joy, everything just flows to me effortlessly’

This is not just once though, this is an exercise you repeat each time you have the ‘hard work persevere’ thought

Some of these structures of thought forms have been there Your whole life and will take Your dedication to removing them.

Here is an example from my own Life
There was a history of Depression and Suicide attempts in my lineage/ in my ancestral field, that expressed itself through me.

Not a lot of fun!

These thoughts seemed to come from nowhere and left me very discombobulated – and there have been occasions where I became so lost in those structures that I attempted to kill my body

There came a day when I said NO MORE
and I Intended (I didn’t realise that was what I was doing) that one way or another I was going to heal this pain.

Everytime I thought of Suicide, I replaced the thoughts with a different one.

It was like a movie in my mind that ended with my catapulting the Suicide thought high into the air where it exploded in beautiful fireworks.

I used this new thought form/structure again and again and again – Always the same thought, in the same way and in this way I dismantled the Suicide program from my DNA – from my lineage and from my Field

It took me a 3 months to go a day without any suicidal ideation and 10 months to go a week – after 1 year – I never had suicidal ideation again.

I had dismantled the Suicide architecture, the structures, the thought forms from my Quantum field (they had been there for 45yrs) and they could no longer manifest. Whoohoo!!

So replacing one type of unwanted thought form with another can remove unwanted programming from Your Quantum field of manifestation – it just takes practice

You can also clear unwanted manifestations and thought forms by creating a new field for YourSelf – A Clear light filled field where undesired structures and outcomes are no longer present.

This is achieved by changing Your personal Resonance or Frequency.
Others beliefs that do not resonate/vibrate with You are unable to be present in Your field – unable to manifest in Your life

Changing Your personal Resonance or Frequency can be done instantly
Simple stuff such as taking 3 slow deep breaths can shift things temporarily and  quickly in the moment

Meditation is probably the single most effective tool I know to clear your field permanently

Again, I am talking simple stuff
Here is a 3min 50 sec lovely easy breath meditation

There are other forms of meditation –
Going for a walk in Nature – whilst actively thinking (creating forms) of enjoyment, peacefulness, relief – a sort of walking meditation

Gratitude also lifts immediately and helps remove the victim programming from our Fields
and Gratitude can be for anything
Here is a really fast way to apply gratitude in the moment and can be done with anything
Imagine You are cutting up an orange to eat
Your gratitude thought forms may be something like this

Thank You Orange, gosh You are beautiful
Ah You smell so nice.
Thank You sunshine
Thank You rain
Thank You Farmers
..and as the Orange is cut, You take a deep breath and smell the wonderful orangyness, Your mouth waters and ahhhh…..delicious
Your frequency has just risen

These are just examples – use them, change them, don’t use them, use something else….All up to You

Petting animals – allowing the unconditional Love they emit into Your Field
Laughing – Ah – Laughing
Singing – dancing
anything that gives You joy – makes you happy

Happy You – Happy field – Discordant energies cannot enter Your field

…and now to manifestation of Your intent
what do You  believe?

Do You believe You Can Manifest or do You not?
(If You don’t…well….that is perhaps a thought form You would choose to change)

5 Years ago I suddenly and unexpectedly became very disabled –
In absolute shock, I believed my body to be broken and I manifested this belief daily
Everytime I thought of the future – My thought form was – No – I can’t – I’m broken
and boy did that keep manifesting
Having gotten ride of the suicide programming however, I knew I could do the same with ‘I Am broken’

The medical profession programming around my condition was
No Treatment
No Cure

Here, take opiates, benzo’s and have a peg to enable you to eat
It took me concerted effort to rid myself of those belief systems

I have done so

A major part of that was stopping all interaction with a medical system that stated I was incurable

My Quantum Field of possibilities re my health is now
Look how far I have come
I have so many good days
I’m maintaining my weight
I Can do that

One of the greatest days was when we sold my wheelchair
I got rid of the artificial, programmed, no hope, structure that came from the Medical system and replaced it with

My beautiful body knows how to heal
My body is healthy and self sustaining
and so on

I must also mention Cannabis here – It has changed my life
I am so grateful I brought the possibility of healing plant medication into my life

and so
we all have a quantum field of potential manifestations
You get to choose with Your thoughts what potentials are in Your Quantum field
By Your continued focus You can Manifest your Intents

If You are unfocussed – things that You do not wish for, can manifest

Your Manifestations reflect your Frequency
You are in charge of Your Frequency
Your Frequency can be altered/programmed by others
You can unalter/unprogram YourSelf
Your Frequency can be cleared of others reflections
Your Frequency can be such, that Potentials You Intend to Manifest do so easily

Your Frequency will attract Your Life
What Life are You attracting?

This whole process is really about one thing and one thing only

Getting rid of the programmed monkey mind that keeps you running around in circles 
and  manifesting a life that is Peaceful, Joyful, Gentle, Kind and Prosperous for All

..and that includes YOU


Please know that this is my understanding of the current energies. All Truth lies in ones own heart.

I Am a WayShower 
to Your own Heart - for that is where All Your answers lie.

in Light