Tuesday 22 October 2019

Divine Neutrality - Peace is Here

Divine Neutrality is like living in a Peaceful, Easy, Way at All times

Divine Neutrality is a gift you give yourself – it cannot come from outside of You
Divine Neutrality allows You to see the Gifts in each moment

It is gained through practice
Here are some ideas to assist – Use Your own imagination to alter or create other assisting ideas

Meditation – there are many forms
Here is a Mantra meditation that can help flow you toward divine neutrality

Be Comfy
Allow Your breath a slow gentle deep rhythm into and from the belly
In/out breath slow count of 4
Think or say quietly

I Am at Peace with others choices
I Am at peace with others behaviours
I Understand that their expression is an integral part of their Journey
I Am at Peace with My Journey
For I am Sovereign
I Am

Repeat 3-10 times as You desire – every time You feel a bit crunchy
You could read this, memorize it or record it onto your device

Divine Neutrality for self is manifested in You by stepping back or expanding your consciousness a little and observing only.
This takes a little practice

Your self - conversation could go something like this

Agh…I am feeling xyz xyz xyz – it is their fault because xyz xyz xyz

this conversation takes you away from the frequency of Divine Neutrality

So You could shape You self- conversation in this way

Agh…I am feeling xyz xyz xyz – it is their fault because xyz xyz xyz
That doesn’t make me feel good –
 hmm -I’ll take a few slow deep breaths – as many as I need

Ahh – that feels a little better
What’s actually happening here?
Why do I feel so crunchy about this xyz?

Now observe the situation in as much of its entirety as you are able
You can start some new thoughts

Hmm I ‘m feeling xyz coz I feel they have done me wrong
Hmm, Am I in charge of my life and thoughts or have I given my power away to this xyz?
Hmm I’ve allowed this xyz to take me away from My peace, From my Joy, from my Ease
Hmm – Interesting
So, Am  I charge of my feelings or not? – Yes, Yes I Am
Hmm Ok How do I want to Feel about xyz?

well at the moment I ‘m too crunchy to go there so I am going to go for a walk or distract myself in some way until I am ready to look at it

Or maybe I’ll  just sit and breathe and think about something lovely

I’m going to gently remind myself that actually – I am still here, still the same, and I am safe
This xyz thing doesn't change this right Now

Hmm this breathing seems good
I’m gonna practice this

…and everytime life feels a bit crunchy for whatever xzy – I’m gonna breathe, observe and chill a bit more

and there you have it – You are walking the path of Divine Neutrality
The Sacred Path
The 2nd wave awakens
