Sunday 4 October 2020


When You are not Loved by another, because of Your Truth, it is their fear that is speaking them

It is the outside them, that has been programmed to be afraid.

Your Truth can be scary for it causes Energy within them, to modulate toward your frequency.
Your frequency is perceived as one of loss, for they are unable to see the gifts that flow with surrender from that Now

For All those who stand 
We are Eternal energies 
and once they have shucked off those cloaks that hide their crystal shimmering hearts, 
they too will remember their Truth

They will turn to You and Smile 

and remember the Love you shone around them

and they will understand
In Light

Friday 25 September 2020

Unblocking the 3rd strand of DNA

Some time ago, people began incarnating with the 3rd DNA strand activated.

This enabled them access to the codes required for planetary ascension and allowed transmission of these codes to the collective
This is one of many reasons why you will find that The Guardian races frequently walked in dark places. 
They took on mantles of so called addictions and mental illness in order to share these Light codes with the Humans who had been most damaged by the controllers

The Minions who were in control of the planet knew of the imminent awakening opportunity and sought to prevent it.

One way was to take the symptoms of this process and call them mental illness. 
In doing so they were able, through 
 to block access to the 3rd strand of DNA
The books say it is not possible to recover from this damage.

The Truth is of course, the opposite

With the Breath
Through the Heart
The Healing codes are  available to All

I flow them here before You
for You to open to them as You may choose

Blessings to us All

In Light

Saturday 4 July 2020

The Birth of the 6th Race

Do not mistake my Gentle Spirit for weakness
For I Am made of Light
and while You took me into the darkness
You didn't know I took the Light with me
and broke Your dark hold on Humanity

The Guardians of The Light
walked in the darkest places for Humanity
Our Victory
Humanities Victory
was never in doubt as we birth
The 6th Race


Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Doorway is Open

You can only  wake yourself up
Only You
Only You can choose to see the previously unseen

The Journey is ready whenever You are
It is a Sacred Oath of Service
to the
Awakening of Humanity

We hold the Light
We Shine
We Flow

We Bless the unfolding of this Now

We Well Come All who choose to walk 
The Sacred Path

The Doorway is Open


Friday 12 June 2020

Which Multiverse are You in?

How our personal Multiverses work

Your whole world and My whole world is constructed, maintained and lived in by our individuated self

Every Being has it's/his/her/their individuated Universe

This is the world that is perceived, known, looked at, understood or not understood by You

Within that, We have our own individuated Multi-dimensionality (I will leave that subject for another time)

So, we wander around physically or with our thoughts creating our personal Universes as We go

It is created by our thoughts - such as

"The world is in uproar" - You will experience the world in the moment of that thought as being in uproar

"It is a Beautiful day today" - You will experience the world in  the moment of that thought as being Beautiful 

"I Am at Peace" - You will experience YourSelf in the moment of that thought as being Peaceful

and so on

When our Universe comes into contact with other Beings Universe they come together at points of Attraction 
like magnetism

So a person whose Universe has a belief system of the World in uproar will come into contact with another who has the same belief system, they may come into contact with many who have similar belief systems - However - every person - therefore every persons Universe will have a slightly different perspective of same

This then creates a manifestation - an event - that holds all viewpoints 
or all perspectives 
or all thought forms 
or all universes 
or in fact The MultiVerse

An Other Being may have much that is opposing Your belief systems, yet they are inhabiting the same multiverse in that same moment

Our belief systems create our personal individuated Universe 
Humanities Collective Consciousness creates The Multiverse

The Multiverse is a beautiful energetic flow of flux
that You, I, Us, weave together

Until recently - through the use of what can be known colloquially as dark magick - our Multiverse has been under the influence of Beings who preferred Humanity did not evolve spiritually and develop the Light that exists within each ensouled 
It was important to those Beings, that Humanity was kept separate and apart
infact against each other

Poor/Rich etc

Humanities Collective Consciousness is now held by The Light

The Light avails Empowerment and Self knowledge for All Souls

The Light constructs a Multiverse that is available for All

one that includes 
A Multiverse where All and I mean ALL of the Beings 
of The Collective Consciousness of Humanity
Prosperity, Peace, Joy, Laughter and Love

You contribute to, and build,
The Multiverse of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity 
by your focus, by Your intent
With Your thoughts

Which Multiverse are You in?


Monday 25 May 2020

How to lift the control mechanisms

We are coming to understand reality programming 
through thought programming
and as we do.....
a whole new Earth opens

As we realise how we were controlled...

We begin to see how to modulate our own reality and frequency by programming our own thoughts

If you choose manifestation of our beautifully harmonised 
New Earth 
then you use the frequency of Love 
within your own thinking and your own programming

Where ever we put our focus, we are creating

We can disappear the cabal faster by sending Love and Light into the field of darkness they used to manipulate our thinking

For darkness cannot survive in Lovefilled Light

In Light

Tuesday 12 May 2020

What happens when you begin to tap into the Collective Consciousness of Humanity?

You have access to the knowledge and wisdom gained by the 
All of Humanity

You can Feeeel the emotional weight of the Collective and......  

You can modulate the Emotional see saw of All 
by moving Your Frequency to one of Love. 
Whole Love. Love that knows no pain.
Unconditional Love.

.. and then flowing that Love Energy into the quantum field of our beautiful collective consciousness.

And How do you do that?

Well, you just start with the Breath.
The deep soft healing Breath

Sit quietly and breathe into your heart and the collective wisdom will start to open within.

Many Blessings to us All

In Light 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

The Mind as a node jumper

As the Heart Operating system BeComes Your central core,
Your Energetic centre and sensor,
The Place from where You operate....
The Beautiful Mind Transmutes.

Instead of being 
the negotiator
the safety seeker
the protector....

it becomes an energy transfer station made of Light

A Light matrix

filled with Frequencial Energetic nodes

that You can learn to jump

Frequency to Frequency

In Light

The Sacred Path shines brightly in Humanities Light

When there is disharmony...

It can appear that another is choosing the opposite side to You

In this Now however, 
You are a perspective or an Expression of the Whole 
of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity 
and all Learnings from the Whole 
are Now offered to the All of Humanity

Through the process of Transmutation and Ascension, the learnings, wisdoms, knowledge, understandings of the 
All of Humanity 
are Now available quickly, with a little practice

All knowledge exists at it's own frequency, 
When you get to learn something new 
it's frequency changes because it is now known by You
Also, Your Frequency changes because the wisdoms Frequency has been added to Your All isness

All changes All
in every moment

Your very thinking gives rise to the Universe 
that You perceive and experience

At this Now you have an opportunity to consciously choose to raise your frequency

The Light trails have been written and
The Sacred Path shines brightly in Humanities Light

There are many teachers and we welcome all questions

In Light

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Fear is no longer Mandatory - The Magic of the Light

Are You Sovereign Yet?

I Am, You say
I Am

BeCause = Effect

The Story I write becomes the story I live
The Story I Sing, the Story I walk

All these BeCome my Future

In this New Now
This New Now Here

You get to write Your very own story

The control mechanisms that kept You compliant in fear are no longer mandatory

Fear is a choice
Sovereignty is a choice

and Sovereignty?
Sovereignty is when You start to knowingly direct Your Story

Direct it with Your Laughter
Direct it with Your Light
Direct it with Your Happiness

and You will see 
The Magic of the Light

In this New Now Here


The Emerging World

This is the Emerging World
I Am no longer the bridge to it
I Am the Embodiment of it

Here, at 
The City of Light
All is Bountiful
The Air is full of Bird Song
The Garden full of Flowers
Food is sprouting All around Us
Water is Flowing through the Land again
...and We are Blessed

Where We Go One We Go ALL

Sunday 8 March 2020

Beyond Q

There comes a time when it doesn't matter if another beautiful soul has expressed as dark in this exploration of Free Will that the Collective Consciousness of Humanity undertook on behalf of the Creator

It matters not where You have been
It matters where You are Going

Not what You have done
What You are going to do

Where You have been
How You Be Now

You have an opportunity Now
to expand Your perception

Beyond Q
Beyond All Politics
Beyond All Heroes

For inside You
in Your Heart
Your Isness
Your Expression

The Creator of You
The Hero of You
The Q inside You

The darkness has been transmuted Now
to such an extent that 

You have the Wheel

The Wheel of Your Life

Are You ready
to take the wheel 
and lead 
back to it's heart

 Lift Your head from the Cabals programming screen


and start the journey of coming to know the 

Whole Mighty Majesty of You

The Truth of You

The Prime Creator of Your World is You


In Light

Friday 21 February 2020

Did You know You are Magical? Affecting the Quantum Field of Humanity

You can use the flow of Unconditional Love to immediately affect the field with astonishing results

You become Magical

If, perhaps someone is directing anger into your direction – your Quantum Field (we all have one)
You Feel or interpret the vibration or frequency of that moment in Your field (takes a little practice to do it consciously)

At that moment
the angry persons field and Your field are harmonising – they connect
and You can flow Love into the field, at that moment…and change it 
at that Moment

Love is the Most Potent Energy

Feel it Now
in the Centre of Your Being
at this Now

Love overcomes or over Be s All others
it is so Powerful

Like Magical Powerful

how do you think the darkones got so rich off the sweat of Your back
They didn’t use Love…they used dark magick…….division Left/Right black /white this/that…ooooh look over there…..ah…now look over there. That person good…that belief bad…..oooh look over there….oooh tragic, trauma, scare, fear

False Expressed As Real

and they took all your pain and spun it into the stories they told you again and again and again to keep you re traumatised and re spelled

…but they forgot

Light All ways Wins

Light All ways Wins

Light All ways Wins

and the Light is full

and with practice it is possible to Flow that very Love
into the Quantum Field
and change it……

That is how Powerful You are
That is why you have been kept at heel
so that You would never

Know Your Power

Here are a few steps to your Power
in no particular order, for it is not a linear process

Consciously Breathe
softly and deeply
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Be Kind
to another or if alone to your body or your mind
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Stop and look around You …seeking Loveliness
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

Imagine the Impossible
Dream a New Wondrous Dream for YourSelf and Humanity
as many Nowtimes as You choose every day

The Time is Now

This is a gift – please feel free to share any or all of it
No attribution required
It is for
All who Seek

Sunday 9 February 2020

Using the simplicity of Quantum Mechanics to manifest

Quantum Mechanics has been made out to be difficult and the realm of certain people only

It isn’t complicated

It looks complicated if You don’t understand how Frequency(vibration) works
and in particular the Frequency of Love
The Vibration of Love

Einstein wrote lots about Love, actually  ðŸ˜Š

Everything You think 
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You
Has a Frequency

a Frequency

and You manipulate the Frequency unConsciously or Consciously

As You ReMember how to Live your Life Consciously
You become unable to have Your Frequency manipulated by anyone outside of YourSelf

for You understand how to manipulate the Frequencies YourSelf

If You want to Manifest, All that you wish the World to Be
You must Be Living at the Frequency where, All that you wish the World to Be, exists

You move Your Frequency to where Manifestation occurs easily, quickly,
by becoming aware of and then altering the frequency of

Everything You think
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You

You just start. Anytime, Any Place, Any situation
and You find You get better and better at it as You play

It gets easier and easier to stay in the higher, Loving frequencies more and more of the time

Even when the Chaos is swirling around You…..the more You Practice the easier it Becomes to emit the Love vibe…Most of the Now

As You stay in a Peaceful, Loving vibe for longer periods, the time/distance, 
(for All is Now) 
to Manifest gets shorter and shorter

and how often should You raise Your Frequency if You want to Manifest Now?
Well start Now
and then keep starting Now
and then next Now You remember again start Now

ReTell Your Stories 
Stories are magical doncha know

Everything You think
Everything You say
Every doing ness of You
Every Be ingness of You

Is Flowing within/without the Frequency wave band of Love
and watch the World change around You

It isn’t complicated
It isn’t too hard for You

It takes Courage and Gentleness
Kindness and Patience
Compassion and Understanding
and it takes Forgiveness

of the whole of You
