Friday 13 December 2019

Gently Moving into Heart Consciousness – a few tips on Be Ing Present

Being Present

Bring Your awareness to whatever is in front of You
If You are walking in Nature
Feel the Earth with Your feet
Breathe the Earth into Yourself
Look into the Heart of the River or Tree or Cloud or….

As You bring Your awareness into that Now moment

You are Be Ing Present

If You are eating Food
Turn off other noise

Give Your whole attention to the Food on Your plate
Place it gently and carefully into Your mouth

Take Your time with eating
Savour it

You are Be Ing Present

If You are Lying in bed

Feel the surface beneath You with Your body
Breathe softly and deeply into the air around You
Soften All as You let the bed fully hold You in it’s arms

You are Be Ing Present
