Saturday 2 November 2019

The Art of Manifestation - The story of Beautiful Soul

Quantum Mechanics – The Art of Manifestation
The story of Beautiful Soul
(reading of beautiful soul)

This is Beautiful Soul

Beautiful Soul incarnates onto Earth
Her Quantum Field is clear and pure
It is full of Light
It reflects Beautiful Soul back to Beautiful Soul

Beautiful Soul has come to Earth to understand Cause and Effect
This understanding will enable Beautiful Soul to keep her field Clear 
and to able to Manifest 
Prosperity, Joy, Love and Light for All

It is a Special Mission for Beautiful Soul

The Other Lovely Souls around, have forgotten how to keep their field clear and pure.
They have forgotten how to manifest with the Breath through the Heart
Beautiful Soul remembers though and knows how to show the Other Lovely Souls how live through the Heart and manifest 
Prosperity, Joy, Love and Light for All

The Other Lovely Souls start putting structure and architecture into her field
This happens with their thoughts and their talk and their behaviours
These thoughtforms create structures of lack in Beautiful Souls quantum field

You see Beautiful Soul knows prosperity, joy, love and light in every part of their own thought form
In every part of their Quantum field 

Now there are different thoughts though. 
Different structures to navigate
Thoughts of ‘not enough’
Structures of Lack

Beautiful Soul sees ‘not enough’ thought forms everywhere.

On the TV.
Around the dinner table.
Hushed discussions about bills.
Talks of ‘haves and ‘have nots’
Insurance advertising,
At school.
In stories.
In newspapers.
On the news
Programmed thought forms
Programmed beliefs

There was ‘not enough’

There was not enough time, 
not enough coloured pieces of paper to buy stuff
not enough heat, 
not enough cold, 
not enough rain , 
not enough sun, 
not enough friends, 
not enough zero’s, 
not enough Love.

Beautiful Soul could see All the thought forms of the Other Lovely Souls were creating a world where it appeared there wasn’t enough

Beautiful Soul could see that there were many other programmed thought forms being created by the Other Lovely Souls – the Collective

Thought forms such as

‘with us or against us’
good or bad
us or them
either or
I’m a victim
You done me wrong
It’s their fault
I am helpless

Beautiful Soul could see that all these thoughts created junk in the Quantum Field of Manifestation.

This junk structure kept people in prison inside their belief form.

Beautiful Soul could see that often these thoughts didn’t originate with the Other Lovely Souls – but the structure was still affecting them
and off the people went

Round and round and round 
and round and round and 
round and 
round and round 
and round and round and 

In the programmed belief systems 
that made up the thought forms 
that made up the structures 
that made up the manifestations…..

Beautiful Soul knew that the Light was at least a million times more powerful than the lightless programmed thought forms

Beautiful Soul knew Abundance, Prosperity and Boundlessness
so Beautiful Soul lived it – 
never worried –
 never said I don’t have enough
No You can’t have it,
it’s mine

Beautiful Soul just kept the flow going

said Yes, 
here have mine,
yes there is enough for All.
Yes here is sunshine,
yes here is rain.
Yes here is Love
Yes, there is Enough

For Abundance must flow
If you stop it up and hold it tight because you do not believe there is enough – it cannot flow

Beautiful Soul knew to how manifest Abundance, simply by staying in the flow of beliefs of Abundance

So despite All the ‘not enough’ programming that was pervasive in everyone’s life, 
Beautiful Soul kept flowing abundance, 
a penny or a pound.
 and Beautiful Soul found there was ALL Ways Enough

All Ways plenty, 
as long the Flow kept going and no- one stopped it

The Flow of Life, available for All

 Lack thought forms in Your field are False structures

You have simply forgotten that You are Sovereign
and in Your Sovereignty You are as Abundant as You believe


Other Manifestation writings

Manifestation. The importance of Intent and the quantum field

So where is this…Quantum field?

Manifestation and The Quantum Field of Humanities Collective Consciousness

Please only takes what resonates

In Light