Sunday 3 November 2019

Expansion and Integration of the New DNA Codes occurring Now

1 min 30 reading of Expansion and Integration Waves to assist with understanding

Expansion and Integration Waves

The Ascension of Gaia and her Peoples

There are expansive phases
There are Integration phases

You will discern the differences as the waves flow through You
It is most helpful to Live in sync with the Waves and phases

These waves and phases can occur at different times to different Soul aspects according to when they have set up the awakening triggers for themselves

It is Your Journey and Yours alone

Others interpretations become irrelevant  as You
expand to the new codes and then integrate them into Your DNA

YourSelf expressed as Body is going through an alchemical process
that is immense and deep

it will show You when to rest
when to Laugh
when to Leap

You Will start to understand and hear Your body (for it is most intelligent)


The 2nd wave awakens