Saturday 23 November 2019

Light Beings, DNA and Expanding the Ascension Codes withIn

How to Open to and Intend, the Ascension Codes to express and expand within You

Ascension – an interpretation:
an expression of energy in form (such as a Human Being or a Planetary Being or AnOther Being) that moves it’s consciousness by maintaining a higher and higher frequency within this Universe at this Now.

The Journey of Ascension, at this Now, involves the Mother Earth and All expressions/beings that exist upon/within/around Us including The Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Humanities DNA was so curtailed that, as a Collective, it was unable to Ascend.
The Collective had been exploring Free Will, yet..
the exploration had been diverted into a system that prevented Free Will and removied the Teachers and the Teachings of Ascension from the Mother Earth.

Light Beings that carried the 6th strand of DNA incarnated into Humanity to give access to the Freedom and Ascension Codes as the Ascension Opportunity
 Became available.
Inputting them again into Humanities timeline
The Beings have been flowing these codes to our Family of Humanity to prepare for this time.

The opportunity for Ascension on our precious Mother is Now available for
All who so choose

To Open and Intend the Ascension Codes to express and expand within

Choose a thought of anything that makes You Smile
Feels good to You

Embrace it
Breathe into it
Softly into the Belly
Gently into the Belly
Feel the Breath in the Belly
Feel the Breath
Feel it deeply
Breathe here, for as long as You choose

Bring the Breath into Your Heart Space
Breathe it deeply, into Your Heart Space
Softly into Your Heart Space
Gently into Your Heart Space
Hold it deeply, in Your Heart Space
Breathe here, for as long as You choose

Come back to this state of Consciousness as frequently as You choose
This will Open to and Intend, the Ascension Codes to express and expand within

Use this gentle energy flow as a gift to
Your deeply Honoured Self
Use this Sacred Space that You have Created Within whenever things get a little crunchy

The Time is Now

Humanity aWakens